Jesse James Rule (named after the famous Jesse James), Thomas Rule, David Eiijah Rule, Anne Rule, John W Rule, Iva Rule, Ruth Rule, Mable Rule and Ed Rule.
Worcester's Father was James Thomas Rule. His father was Thomas R Rule and his mother was Clarissa Martha Pence. At the bottom of the blog is an obituary for Thomas R Rule and a picture of Thomas R & Clarissa Martha Pence. Clarissa is rumored to be related to the "Pence Brothers" that were part of Jesse James' gang. I have not been able to find the connection. I'm guessing that they may be cousins.
Thomas R Rule
Obituary Notice published in “The Times” Wetmore , Colorado , Dec 3, 1881
Thomas R Rule was born in Bath County , Kentucky , Sept. 18, 1809 , emigrated to Clay County, Missouri in 1827, where in 1832 he was married to Miss Clarissa Pence. Previous to this he had obtained a hope in Christ and united with the Baptists at Liberty Church . Though having evidences that he was called to preach at this time, he kept it concealed from his bosom friend for five weary years, when the burden became so toilsome and the manifestations so plain, he consented to serve his Lord in the capacity of a minister, which he faithfully fulfilled up to his death, filling his last appointment a few days before his departure.
He moved from Clay to Jackson County, Missouri, where he entered considerable land, and his first wife having died, he married Miss Eliza Gray. In 1861, he began freighting across the plains to Colorado and New Mexico , which occupation he followed for four years. In the mean time his second wife had died, and in 1865, he was married to Mrs. Margaret Stateu, by Eld. Henry Hill. The same year he moved to Colorado and began stock raising in Custer, Fremont and Elpaso Counties , which occupation he followed successfully up to his death.
He had thirteen children by his three wives, seven by the first, four by the second, and two by the last. Ten of them, and his last wife, survive his death, which took place on the 17th of September, 1881 , being buried on the day he was 72 years old. The day before his death he said that his birthday would be within three days, but he would not live to see it. Brother Rule had stood on the walls of Zion forty-five years, proclaiming glad tidings to the poor, never shunning to declare the whole counsel of God.
His death was caused by valvular disease of the heart, hastened by the kick of a horse on the breast, on the second of July last.
Yours in hope, Jos. B. McGinty, Wetmore, Coloratdo, Dec, 1881